Terms and Conditions

Welcome to pancreatitispecialist.com

These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of pancreatitisspecialist.com located at Ahmedabad.
By accessing this website we assume you accept these terms and conditions.
pancreatitisspecialist.com it is an informative website. If you find any wrong information on this website, we reserve the right to correct the information immediately.


pancreatitisspecialist.com website can not collect any types of patients information and store.

(2)Reservation of Rights

We also reserve the right to amen these terms and conditions and it's linking policy at any time.

(3)Removal of links from our website

If you find any link on our Website that is offensive for any reason, you are free to contact and inform us any moment. +91 9429065457

(4)Change Of Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time.

(5)Childrens and minor privacy

We do not collect or use any personal information from children on our website. We define "child" as a minor under the age of 12.